Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Is John Daly a badass, or just the biggest badass of all-time?

Only Playboy could do a story on a 45 year old, out-of-shape, multi-divorced, drinking, gambling golfer

There should never, ever be a filter on John Daly's mouth. In fact, whatever he says should be broadcast around the world, and written down in a book that will be passed down, from generation to generation, so all could know of the wisdom with which he speaks. How bout this little doozy from the interview:

“You marry somebody, that’s one of the perks of being married—you get to have sex anytime you want it,” he explains. When his wives stopped giving it to him, he says, he’d flat-out tell them, “The hell with it. I’ll go get it somewhere else.”

He manages to blend truth, knowledge, logic, and comedy all into one package. Forget Sheen, John Daly should be filling up concert venues and getting his own stand-up special. Part of me does feel for the guy, though; he had to pay his last wife $2,500 bucks every time they had sex. Imagine forking over half of everything you've earned, will earn, and are earning to some betch, and then having to pay a couple G's to get it on with her. That's essentially slavery.

It's just luckily that JD got the fuck out of that situation and is currently into some other dimepiece these days. Although, I'm not sure about this whole 'almost' nympho, sex addiction diagnosis he's given himself. It's impossible for a dude to be a nympho or sex addicted because no matter how many times you go, you can always go again (unless it falls off). Sex addiction for some doctor-type with a medical degree is just man being man in my book. Stay strong JD...

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