Friday, April 22, 2011

5 Marlins fans get to see Playboy playmate throw out the first pitch

Genius Marlins PR staff

Kudos to Marlins Public Relations team, this was a smart and savvy move meant to bring in a bunch of fans to the stadium, which I'm assuming is still called Sun Life, although that's subject to change pretty much every year. Attendance probably jumped 10% for this game alone. Unfortunately, a 10% jump from zero is still zero so I'm not sure they made anything off of this. But, apparently this betch is a former Dolphins cheerleader and contestant on the "Amazing Race," and I'm not sure who her friend is, but it doesn't really matter, does it?

This brings me to another point; why doesn't the NBA bring in some of these hot-ass betches to do a ceremonial toss-up or something? I'm pretty sure, in this day and age, that parents don't really care about their kids getting "corrupted" and shit anymore; it's like they tell them, go out, do whatever you want, and learn from your mistakes. Additionally, if having some Playboy bunny strutting her shit at a game is racy, take a look at what the Minnesota Timberwolves dancers look like. It was between them and the Toronto Raptors for most conservative sounding team.

So look at these slobs and think about what the Lakers, Heat, Hornets, and other way hotter dance teams are wearing, or not wearing. I'm not sure that the NBA and its teams would be really jumping into the deep end by running some Playmates out there. And yes, the NBA just had its most successful regular seasons in awhile, but sex and hot betches sell, so I'd consider it.

1 comment:

  1. is the one on the left the one that used a slingshot to destroy her face with a watermellon?
